Veneer Slicing Belts

Veneer Slicing Belts

Sleeve belts for horizontal veneer and parquet slicing machines. To address the high stresses acting on the belt, Veneer slicing belts consist of the following components:

Our V-Belt Offers:

  • Spiraled cord carcass with tensile strength ranging between 315 daN/cm and 1500 daN/cm
  • Stiff fabrics for the maximum transversal flatness (optional, suitable for very thin veneers production)
  • Top side no-staining rubber cover type PA50 – PA60, that provides an excellent grip on the materials being machined
  • SP222 upper profile with longitudinal grooves to improve the grip
  • Bottom side black rubber cover grade “N”, allowing the belt to be resistant to the stress of a high traction force

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